Our program assists people in crisis in the immediate aftermath of crime or tragedy. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
While each person’s reaction to trauma is highly individual, people who have been victims of a crime or tragedy often share a sense of having lost control over their lives.
In the initial stages of any crisis, most people want to speak to someone who will understand their immediate need for information pertaining to personal safety and options available to them. Our intervention ensures the victim is safe, supported, and connected to the appropriate services. Referrals to other community resources provide on-going support. The immediacy of our service allows us to aid in mitigating the harmful effects of trauma on the victim and their loved ones.
Our Services Include:
- Support and communication via telephone, email, in home and office visits.
- Exploration of support systems and development of safety plans.
- Assistance with case information.
- Sharing crime prevention tips.
- Court orientation and accompaniment.
- Providing resource materials.
- Referrals to other community agencies.
- Acting as a liaison between officers and victims.
- Advocacy.
- Assistance with Victim Impact Statements.
- Assistance with compensation program applications and research additional financial support.

Mission and Values
Mission: Meeting the needs of victims of crime and traumatic events through support, information, referral and advocacy in a confidential and culturally sensitive manner to achieve wholeness of individuals, families and communities in the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.
- We will respect different perspectives, support the need for individual choice and strive to maintain overall fairness
- We will strive to maintain and honor the dignity of all persons and recognize competencies in self and others
- We maintain a non-judgmental attitude that allows us to see each other as equal human beings
- We give people a voice by encouraging and reinforcing self-esteem and avoiding marginalization
- We strive for openness, awareness and mutual understanding of our similarities and unique differences
- We engage in mutual learning about different cultural values and practices
- We value being balanced and healthy and see our work as contributing to individual and community wellness
- We create mutual accountability by uniform, consistent and transparent communication
- We will be accountable to our organization, our clients and the communities we serve
- We are committed to providing quality service to all
- We will act with integrity, demonstrating honesty and openness with self and others, and model by example
- Lessen the effects of crime experienced by victims.
- Assist the victims during their involvement in the criminal justice system.
- Ensure that referral information is readily available to victims.
- Prevent further victimization.
- Enhance the communication process between victims, the police, and the criminal justice system.
- Assist police in providing an effective, culturally sensitive, appropriate service to our communities.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of NSVS is composed of local community members and RCMP officers that reside in the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.

Betsy Kelly
Board Secretary
Lydia Gauthier
Board Chair
Dwayne Whitford
RCMP Representative
David Wolfe
RCMP Representative
Barbara Johnstone
Board Member
Jeff Curiston
RCMP Representative
Carol Lemaigre
Board Member
Alvera Hatch
Board MemberNorth Sask Victim Services Inc. receives our principle funding from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice And Attorney General – Victims Services Unit. We also receive in-kind support from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.